Conferences & Events

Integrating genetic and herbicide studies to improve watermilfoil management outcomes
Mar 26 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Managers increasingly recognize that Eurasian watermilfoil (including hybrids with native northern watermilfoil) is genetically diverse, and that strains can differ in their growth, spread, impacts, and herbicide response. A practical challenge for Eurasian watermilfoil management is developing methods that predict how a specific watermilfoil population will respond to a proposed control tactic. Our overall goal is to develop genetic tests that can assist managers in decision making.
In this presentation, we will illustrate how we are combining genetic survey and monitoring of invasive watermilfoil populations with field and laboratory studies of herbicide response to inform management. In the short term, we have developed an online interface for managers to find information on the geographic distribution and herbicide response of watermilfoil strains (MilfoilMapper). A longer-term goal of this research is to identify the specific genes involved in traits (e.g., herbicide response) to develop rapid genetic assays to inform management decisions. We will illustrate our approach to identifying genes involved in herbicide response, and present results for fluridone resistance in two strains.