Education, awareness, personal responsibility campaigns, cleaning stations, and inspections did not stop the spread of AIS in Minnesota lakes and rivers in 2022. Here are the details.
Here are some sobering statistics about 2022’s 53 new AIS infestations from the Minnesota DNR:
- Eurasian watermilfoil
- 9 new infestations across these counties: Anoka, Chisago (3), Dakota, Douglas, Hennepin, Le Sueur, Wright
- Starry stonewort
- 4 new infestations across these counties: Beltrami (2), Cass (2)
- Zebra mussels
- 38 new infestations across these counties: Cass, Crow Wing (7), Douglas (10), Grant (2), Hennepin, Itasca, Kandiyohi (2), Mahnomen, Murray, Otter Tail (3), Scott, St. Louis, Stearns (2), Wright (5)
- Faucet snails were found in Mahnomen and Wadena counties.
- On the positive side, there were no new reported infestations of spiny waterfleas in 2022
The takeaway: education, awareness, personal responsibility campaigns, cleaning stations, and inspections might be making things better, but they did not stop the spread of AIS in Minnesota lakes and rivers in 2022.
Here is a link to the DNR’s Infested Waters List.