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MN COLA hosts webinar on top 3 priorities

MN COLA webinar graphic

Our December 4th, MN COLA hosted a webinar targeted to all State Representatives and Senators, County Commissioners, County Sheriff’s, and others. The 39-minute webinar was a success, and we received many positive comments from attendees.

Here is a link to the webinar as well as reference materials you may find useful, including the slides used, references and bibliography for the content shown, a one-page summary that may be useful as you talk to your elected officials and local leaders.

We believe the webinar provided important, thoughtful, and timely information about the three biggest challenges our members see as we work to protect Minnesota’s public waters:

  • Water Quality
  • Aquatic Invasive Species
  • Enhanced Wake Activities

You have a role to play too! Elected officials act on pressure they get from their constituents, so meet with them to help them understand the issues and ask for their support!These are not Republican nor DFL issues; they are non-partisan issues that need addressing to protect the waters of the state.

Itasca Waters 2025 “Practical Water Wisdom” webinars

Itasca Waters logo

Itasca Waters puts on a virtual learning series (think one-hour webinar) every first Thursday of the month at noon CT. Mark your calendars now and register for these sessions. Registration is required for each session. Check out the Practical Water Wisdom page for more details and registration links.

Here are the next four upcoming topics:

  • February 6 – Invasive Freshwater Jellyfish – Why Are They Increasing So Fast and What Do They Do in Lakes?
  • March 6, – Lakeshore Development and Natural Shoreline Protection to Preserve Biotic Health
  • April 3 – Beaver Dams, Ponds, and Effects
  • May 1 – Climate Change Effects on Fisheries

This series is presented by Itasca Waters with the support from Minnesota Sea Grant, Itasca Soil and Water Conservation District, Itasca Coalition of Lake Associations, KAXE/KBXE, Rapids Radio and Grand Rapids Herald Review.

MN COLA meeting dates for 2025

Here are the MN COLA Membership meeting dates for 2025. All meetings will be on Zoom. Look for meeting announcements from MN COLA as the dates approach.

Save the Dates
  • Tuesday, March 18, 9-11 AM CT
  • Tuesday, June 17, 9-11 AM CT (Annual Meeting)
  • Tuesday, September 16, 9-11 AM CT
  • Tuesday, December 9, 9-11AM CT

MN COLA Membership Meeting

Join us at our Membership meeting to find out what’s happening in St. Paul related to our priorities and take in the next session on Lake Resiliency.

Click on this Registration Link anytime before the meeting. The Zoom link for the meeting itself will be provided following registration. You will also receive an email from Zoom with the meeting link and more details.

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