Itasca Waters puts on a virtual learning series (think one-hour webinar) every first Thursday of the month at noon CT. Mark your calendars now and register for these sessions. Registration is required for each session. Check out the Practical Water Wisdom page for more details and registration links.
Here are the next four upcoming topics:
- February 6 – Invasive Freshwater Jellyfish – Why Are They Increasing So Fast and What Do They Do in Lakes?
- March 6, – Lakeshore Development and Natural Shoreline Protection to Preserve Biotic Health
- April 3 – Beaver Dams, Ponds, and Effects
- May 1 – Climate Change Effects on Fisheries
This series is presented by Itasca Waters with the support from Minnesota Sea Grant, Itasca Soil and Water Conservation District, Itasca Coalition of Lake Associations, KAXE/KBXE, Rapids Radio and Grand Rapids Herald Review.