What’s on this page?
- Lake & River Allied Organizations
- Minnesota
- Other States
- State Government Agencies
- MN Department of Natural Resources
- Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC)
- Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council (MISAC)
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- MN Environmental Quality Board (MEQB)
- MN Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR)
- MN Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD)
- Mississippi Headwaters
- University of MN Extension
- Topical Areas of Water Management
- Shoreland Issues
- Articles Addressing Shoreland Issues
- Books Addressing Shoreland Issues
- Shoreland Stewardship programs
- Septic Systems
- Economic Value of Clean Water
- MN COLA Resources

Lake and River Allied Organizations
- Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLRA)
- Minnesota’s Clean Water and Legacy Amendment
- Freshwater Society
- Minnesota Sea Grant
- Minnesota Environmental Partnership
- Minnesota Watersheds
- Friends of Headwaters
- Friends of Boundary Waters
- Northern Waters Land Trust
- Honor the Earth
- Sierra Club
- Nature Conservancy
- Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
- Isaak Walton League, National
- MN350
- Safe Wakes
- Blue Thumb
- Water Legacy
Other States Allied Organizations
- Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP)
- North American Lake Management Society
- Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership
- Michigan Waterfront Alliance
- Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
- North Central Region Water Network
- Wisconsin DNR
- Federal Environmental Protection Agency: National Lakes Assessment
- Burnett County Wisconsin: Shoreland Incentive Program
State Government Agencies related to the Environment
Minnesota DNR
- Lake finder
- Lake information
- Grants
- Watershed Health Assessment Framework (WHAF)
- Sensitive Lake Reports
- Aquatic Invasive Species
- Shoreland Management Program
- Shoreland Rules
- Lake improvement districts
- DNR Vanishing Natural Shoreland discussion group
Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center
Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Water Quality
- How to find your lake data
- Clean Water Council
- Septic information
- Watershed information
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board
Board of Soil and Water Resources (Home)
- Grants
- Easements Programs
- Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- One Watershed, One Plan
- Watershed Basins
- Watershed Districts
- Wetland Regulation
- Wetland Delineation
- Pollinators and Biodiversity
- Water Resources
- Streambanks and Shorelands
MN Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD)
- Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD)
- County SWCD websites
- SWCD Grants and Cost-share Programs
- Tree and Plant Sales Program (sample county)
- Wetland delineation and protection
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Mississippi Headwaters Board
University of Minnesota Extension
- AIS Detector
- Water (home)
- Raingardens
- Pollinators
- Shoreland Care
- Stormwater
- Watershed education
- Source Magazine
Topical Areas of Water Management
Shoreland Issues
- Power-Point Presentation of Minnesota’s Vanishing Natural Shorelines
- Freshwater Society Lake Protection and Management Guide
- Freshwater Society Minnesota Water Stewards
- Itasca Waters Website (Itasca County)
- Lawns to Legumes Program (Blue Thumb program)
- Lawns to Legumes (BWSR program)
- Minnesota Watersheds
- Northern Waters Land Trust
- Safe Wakes
- Stearns County MN Shoreline Restoration
- Water Legacy Protecting Minnesota Water Quality
Articles Addressing Shoreland Issues
- Perleberg, D., K. Carlson, P. Radomski, K. Woizeschke, P. Perry, A. Carlson, S. Simon. 2012. Minnesota’s Sensitive Lakeshore Identification Manual: a conservation strategy for Minnesota lakeshores (version 3). Division of Ecological and Water Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 87 pp. PDF
- Radomski, P., and K. Carlson. 2018. Prioritizing lakes for conservation in lake-rich areas. Lake and Reservoir Management 34(4):401-416. PDF
- Radomski, P., L.A. Bergquist, M. Duval, and A. Williquett. 2010. Potential impacts of docks on littoral habitats in Minnesota lakes. Fisheries 35(10):489-495. PDF
- Radomski, P. 2006. Historical changes in abundance of floating-leaf and emergent vegetation in Minnesota lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:932-940. PDF
- Radomski, P., and T.J. Goeman. 2001. Consequences of human lakeshore development on emergent and floating-leaf vegetation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21(1):46-61. PDF
- Radomski, P., L.A. Bergquist, M. Duval, and A. Williquett, 2010. Potential impact of docks on littoral habitats in Minnesota lakes. Fisheries 35(10):489-495. PDF
Books Addressing Shoreland Issues
- Nelson, Darby. 2011. For Love of Lakes. Michigan State University Press.
- Radomski, Paul, and Kristof Van Assche. 2014. Lakeshore Living: Designing Lake Places and Communities in the Footprints of Environmental Writers. Michigan State University Press.
- Rulseh, Ted. 2022. Ripple Effects: How We’re Loving Our Lakes to Death. University of Wisconsin Press.
- Rust, April, Minnesota Project WET Coordinator Water Ways Project Manager. 2010. Water Ways: A Minnesota Water Primer and Project WET Companion. Division of Ecological and Water Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Arendt, R.G. 1999. Growing greener: putting conservation into local plans and ordinances. Island Press, Washington D.C.
- Asplund, T. 2000. The effects of motorized watercraft on aquatic ecosystems. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Publication PUB-SS-948-00, Madison.
- Commoner, B. 1971. The closing circle: nature, man, and technology. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
- Henderson, C.L., C.J. Dindorf, and F.J. Rozumalski. 1968. Landscaping for wildlife and water quality. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St Paul.
- Krysel, C.E., M. Boyer, C Parson, and P Welle. 2003. Lakeshore property values and water quality: evidence from property sales in the Mississippi Headwaters Region. Mississippi Headwaters Board, Backus, MN.
- Maine Department of Environmental Protection. 1996. Lake waer quality: what it’s worth. Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta ME.
- National Park Service. 1993. Economic impacts of protecting rivers, trails, and greenway corridors: a resource book. Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Sections, National Park Service, Washington D.C.
Shoreland Stewardship Programs
- Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocacy Lake Steward Program
- Gull Chain of Lakes Association Lake Steward Program
- Itasca Waters – Shoreland Advisors
- Deer Lake (Itasca County)
- Glen Lake Association (Michigan) – Become a Guardian program
Native Shoreland Incentive Buffer (NBSI)
- Power Point of Proposal with preliminary survey results
- DNR: NBSI Survey and Incentives report
- Social Research Report
- DNR: Final Report of NBSI program
- NSBI Lake Challenge Worksheet (Deer Lake, Itasca County)
Septic Systems
- MN PCA Septic Systems
- MN PCA Keep Your Septic System Healthy
- MN PCA Septic System Compliance
- Federal EPA Septic System FAQ
Economic Value of Clean Water
- Minnesota’s Lake Associations: Who they are and what they do (Concordia 2017)
- Surface Water Quality and Property Value (Sustainability Journal 2018)
- Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality (Bemidji 2003)
- Property values and Water Quality
- Economic assessment of Water Quality (Itasca County)
- Understanding Lake Ecology
- Minnesota Water Values Project: Mae Davenport
- Correl, M., and J. Lillydale, and L, Singell. 1978. The effect of greenbelts on residential property values: some findings on the political economy of open space. Land Economics 54(2): 207-15.
- Dziuk, H., and S Heiskary. 2003. Local economic impact of healthy lakes. Lake Line 23(3): 21-23.
- Elias, J.E., and M.W. Meyer. 2003. Comparison of undeveloped and developed shorelands, northern Wisconsin, and recommendations for restoration. Wetlands 23:800-816.
- Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science 162:1243-1248.
- Michael, H.J., K.L Boyle. And R. Bouchard. 1996. Water Quality affects property prices: a case study of selected Maine lakes. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. Miscellaneous Report 398, Orono ME.
- Zhang, C., and K.J. Boyle. 2010. The effect of aquatic invasive species (Eurasian water milfoil) on lakefront property values. Ecological Economics 70(2):394-404.