Together with MN Lakes and Rivers Advocates, we developed this simple one-page informational sheet about AIS in Minnesota. Everyone who uses the water should be aware of Minnesota’s AIS challenges and we encourage you to send it to your members, family, and friends.
Tag: AIS
Joining MN COLA brings big benefits!
We believe these benefits bring “real value” to MN COLA members and friends. And we can provide even more value when we grow of membership. We don’t say this because we are hungry for your money, although that’s always welcome. But we say this because MN COLA grows more relevant on important issues when we represent more people and more organizations.
So become a member! Join MN COLA today!
MAISRC Newsletter: Fall 2022
AIS is still spreading in Minnesota
Education, awareness, personal responsibility campaigns, cleaning stations, and inspections did not stop the spread of AIS in Minnesota lakes and rivers in 2022. Here are the details.
Here are some sobering statistics about 2022’s 53 new AIS infestations from the Minnesota DNR:
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