Tag: water quality

MN DNR unveils new lake health info site

As a new part of the MN DNR’s Watershed Health Assessment Framework, the lakes section is now available online. It provides easy access to water quality and health information for thousands of Minnesota lakes.

In the new site, you can find detailed information about a lake’s water quality, biology, hydrology, and stewardship. You can drill down to an individual lake by major watershed, county, catchment, and more.

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MN COLA’s 2022 Year in Review

Your MN COLA Board and Executive Committee worked very hard on your behalf in 2022 and we believe we moved the needle on delivering greater value to you, advocacy, and becoming a more professional organization. We feel proud of these accomplishments, and we hope that you do too.

Read on for a review of the past year.

MN COLA members should feel very good about our volunteer organization. We started the year with a very full plate and lots of expectations. Here’s a rundown of our intents and what we accomplished.

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