2024 meeting dates
- March 19, 2024, from 9-11 CT on Zoom
- June 18, 2024, in-person or Zoom to be determined (see the survey question above)
- September 17, 2024, from 9-11 CT on Zoom
- December 10, 2024, from 9-11 CT on Zoom
Every year, MN COLA elects or re-elects Directors for terms up to 3 years at our Annual meeting in June. If you have been interested in MN COLA and would like to get more involved as a Board member, please send an email to contact@mncola.org.
Check our website for more information on how MN COLA operates and is organized.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has classified 13 high-risk invasive aquatic plants, fish and invertebrates as prohibited invasive species. All but one (jumping worms) are AIS.
Here are the 13 new AIS: mitten crab, Nile perch, snakehead family, walking catfish family, yellow floating-heart, tench, golden mussel, marbled crayfish (marmorkrebs), golden clam, tubenose gobies (any fish belonging to the genus Proterorhinus), and eastern mosquitofish.
For more information on these new AIS, you can check out the DNR’s website.
MAISRC is seeking your point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey data to add to their statewide database. If your lake or river association have done or are doing lake surveys and are using a point-intercept approach, please follow this link to get more information about the MAISRC database.
Shrink wrap is used across the country to protect boats from the elements. Unfortunately, the opportunities to recycle that plastic are currently very limited. And we are talking about a lot of plastic. A 25-foot boat uses approximately 25 pounds of plastic and that’s roughly equivalent to over 2,000 plastic shopping bags. Think about the 800,000 registered watercraft in Minnesota and how many of them are shrink wrapped every year. The amount of boat shrink wrap Minnesota uses just one time is staggering.
Legislation has been introduced in the Minnesota House (HF 3320) and in the Senate (SF 3427) to begin to address the problem. The proposed legislation will:
Here is a great overview of the issue from the Chesapeake Quarterly. It’s focused on Maryland, but it is the same issue in Minnesota.
Here is a 1-page flyer on the proposed bill that includes some rough estimates on the amount of plastic that goes into our landfills or is incinerated.
Note: This initiative is not identified in our 2024 MN COLA Legislative Agenda, but it’s one that is worth supporting!
Kirsti Marohn of Minnesota Public Radio talked with U of MN researcher Michael Verhoeven about the impact that this year’s limited lake snow could have on curly-leaf pondweed (CLP). It may be getting a growth spurt much sooner than normal. Read the full article at MPR news.
There is much happening around the country regarding enhanced wakes. The Phase 2 wake research from the St. Anthony Falls Lab at the University of Minnesota should be released sometime soon. Minnesota is readying the best practice education to accompany the new Watercraft Operators License. Michigan and Wisconsin have proposed legislation for regulating wakes. The State of Vermont has defined new rules addressing wake surf areas along with a new program to reduce the spread of AIS from ballast water. And on top of all that, new data from the National Marine Manufacturer’s Association showed that new “tow boat” sales dropped 20% from 2022 to 2023.
Follow the More information link for more details.
More insights on the impacts of this season’s limited ice on Lake Superior can be found in Jana Hollingsworth’s article from February 20, 2024, in the StarTribune. About 2% of the lake had ice compared to about 20% last year and 80% in 2022. Forty percent is the average ice concentration over the last 50 years.
Researchers are suggesting potential impacts to AIS, fish species, algae blooms, and more. All of the Great Lakes had limited ice this season and the effects will be studied for years.
Here’s the link to the article. You may have to have a StarTribune subscription to view the article.
A recent study, published in the journal Limnology and Oceanography Letters, examined 194 lakes in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to assess changes in walleye spawning. The takeaway is that climate change is causing lakes to thaw earlier and faster than walleye are adapting. When the walleye spawn, there is less food resource available for the babies and their survival can be low.
Danielle Kaeding of Wisconsin Public Radio has an audio report and a longer on-line news story.
Minnesota DNR has identified more than 40 public water access sites throughout the state for extensive upgrades. Smaller-scale improvements to more than 75 additional accesses are also on the way.
Visit the MN DNR website for more information about these projects.